What can be cleaned using a laser cleaning machine?

September 11, 2023
Latest company news about What can be cleaned using a laser cleaning machine?

A laser cleaning machine employs high-frequency, high-energy laser pulses to irradiate the surface of a workpiece, causing oil stains, rust spots, or coatings to instantly evaporate or peel off. This process is characterized by its ability to clean without damaging the part's base material, no need for consumables, energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness. It caters to the cleaning needs of intricate shapes and precise positioning in industrial processing, yielding superior cleanliness and cost-effective production benefits.


Within the cleaning industry, various methods are employed, often involving chemical agents and mechanical approaches. However, chemical cleaning may leave residues, and the options for chemicals in industrial cleaning are becoming increasingly limited. Hence, finding a cleaner and non-destructive cleaning method is crucial. Laser cleaning, with its non-abrasive, contactless, and thermally non-impact characteristics, is suitable for a wide range of materials and can tackle challenges that conventional methods cannot.

Here is a detailed account of what a laser cleaning machine can effectively clean:

  1. Sub-Micron Pollution Particles: Laser cleaning excels at removing sub-micron pollution particles that are often stubborn and sticky, making them difficult to eliminate through traditional means.

  2. Precision Workpieces: Laser cleaning is exceptionally safe for cleaning precision workpieces and delicate components due to its non-contact nature, ensuring accuracy during the cleaning process.

  3. Coating Removal: Laser cleaning machines can efficiently remove coatings from metal or glass surfaces, even removing layers of paint sequentially.

  4. Rust Removal: Rapid rust removal from metal surfaces, as well as the removal of various oxide layers, is a key application of laser cleaning.

  5. Grease and Residue Removal: Laser cleaning effectively removes grease, resin, glue, dust, stains, and production residues from surfaces.

  6. Surface Roughening: Laser cleaning can be employed to roughen metal surfaces for various industrial applications.

  7. Auto Parts Pre-Welding: It is used for degreasing and rust removal of auto parts before welding, as well as cleaning oxides and stains after welding.

  8. Mold Cleaning: Laser cleaning is valuable in cleaning molds such as tire molds, electronic molds, and food molds.

  9. Precision Parts Cleaning: After the production and processing of precision parts, laser cleaning can remove oil stains and contaminants efficiently.

  10. Nuclear Power Component Maintenance: It is used for rapid cleaning of nuclear power components during maintenance.

  11. Aerospace and Defense Applications: Laser cleaning finds application in oxide treatment, paint removal, and rust removal during the production or maintenance of aerospace, weapons, and ships.

  12. Space and Cultural Relics: It is employed for cleaning metal surfaces in space applications and for cleaning cultural relics, rocks, and building exteriors.

Laser cleaning is not limited to cleaning organic pollutants; it is equally effective in cleaning inorganic substances like metal rust, metal particles, and dust. This technology has reached a high level of maturity and enjoys widespread use across various industries.