Application of Laser Marking Technology in Railway Passenger Car Manufacturing

November 13, 2019

Laser marking machines use laser beams to mark permanent surfaces on a variety of different materials. The effect of marking is to expose deep substances by evaporation of surface substances, or to "engraving" traces by chemical or physical changes of surface substances caused by light energy, or to burn off some substances by light energy to show the desired etching. Pattern, text. Laser marking machines use laser beams to mark permanent surfaces on a variety of different materials. According to different lasers, laser marking machines can be divided into CO2 laser marking machine, semiconductor laser marking machine, YAG laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine. The laser marking machine should be used in a dust-free, 10°C-35°C environment to keep the optics dry and dust-free. Laser marking machines are mainly used in some applications where finer precision and higher precision are required.

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